Eye safety - How to protect your eyes from harm

Eye safety - How to protect your eyes from harm

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Accidents involving the eyes can have potentially sight-threatening consequences.

There are a few simple things that can be done to lessen the risk of activities that may lead to eye damage or accidents.

The kind of workplace and type of work carried out will make a difference to what steps can be taken to keep eyes healthy and safe at work.


Office work and computer use

Eyes cannot be harmed by using a computer. Computers don’t cause permanent changes to the eyes or make any eye conditions worse, however, the following points can help keep eyes comfortable while using any type of screen:

  • Taking frequent breaks from the screen. Eyes can become tired when used for long periods. Taking frequent breaks from the screen can help to avoid tired eyes and headaches.
  • Good lighting is important for vision. Make sure the general lighting in the room is bright, but try to avoid any glare on the screen itself as this can be uncomfortable.

If a person needs to wear glasses, they should be worn when using the computer. Some people may need a different pair of glasses for using a computer than for closer reading or seeing things in the distance.

If headaches are experienced particularly when using the computer for long periods, even with breaks, a pair of glasses especially for computer work may be required. This can be assessed by an optometrist.


Industrial or chemical work

Working in a factory, garage, laboratory or other industrial places may put eyes at risk from the work you carry out. This is particularly the case if working with machinery that does any kind of pressing or grinding, working with chemicals or in a place with lots of dust or particles in the air. Protective clothing and goggles should be worn.



Lots of people enjoy DIY, but unfortunately, accidents can happen. A lot can be done to keep your eyes as safe as possible while putting those shelves up!

  • Wear appropriate eye protection. Use of goggles when sawing, sanding, drilling, hammering or any activity that causes dust or air particles. It is easy for large particles to enter the eye and cause serious damage. Fine particles of dust and debris can also cause problems.
  • Read manufacturers’ instructions carefully when using any kind of chemicals. Some chemicals should only be used while wearing eye protection to avoid chemical splash injuries that can have serious consequences for sight.


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